Learn how to Request the Free Digital Antenna Kit


The year 2023 will be marked as a significant milestone for Brazilian television, as we witness the definitive end of analogue transmission.

This transition not only represents a shift in the way we consume television content, but also opens the door to a richer, higher-quality audiovisual experience.

With the end of the analogue era, there is a need to prepare all TVs to receive the digital signal, providing not only a clearer image, but also higher quality sound. To facilitate this transition, the Federal Government launched a crucial initiative: the Free Digital Antenna Kit.

Meeting the Requirements:

How to Secure Your Free Digital Antenna Kit
To benefit from the technological advancement provided by the Free Digital Antenna Kit, it is crucial to meet the established requirements. Make sure you are eligible before starting the application process:

Requirements to Receive the Free Digital Antenna Kit:

Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico): Make sure you are registered with CadÚnico, guaranteeing your access to government social programs.
Analog TV: Have an analogue TV, as the kit aims to update these devices to receive high-quality digital signal.
Residence in a city with more than 500 thousand inhabitants: Check if you live in a city with more than 500 thousand inhabitants, ensuring that the transition to digital signal is a priority in more populated areas.

How to Request the Free Digital Antenna Kit:

Choose the option that is most convenient for you:

Online: Access the official Siga Antenado website and follow the instructions provided. Fill out the form accurately, including information such as full name, CPF or NIS, full address and telephone number.

By phone: Call 0800 729 2404 and follow the instructions provided by the attendant. Provide the same data requested in the online process.

Deadline to Receive the Free Digital Antenna Kit

Please wait with anticipation, as the deadline to receive the Free Digital Antenna Kit is up to 30 working days. Keep an eye on your mail to ensure a smooth transition to digital transmission.

Superior Image and Sound Quality

Experience a revolution in your television experience by adopting the Free Digital Antenna Kit.

Sharper, Detailed Images

Enjoy exceptional visual quality, with sharper details in every scene.

Clear and immersive sound

Allow immersive sound to transform your room, providing an immersive sound experience.

No Interference or Squeaking

Goodbye to unwanted interruptions; The digital signal offers interference- and hiss-free transmission.

Enhanced Accessibility

The Free Digital Antenna Kit is not just a technological upgrade, but also a bridge to accessibility

Resources for the Hearing Impaired

The digital converter box included in the kit offers accessibility features, making television more accessible for people with hearing impairments.


The Free Digital Antenna Kit is more than a simple technical upgrade; It is a unique opportunity to ensure that all families, regardless of their financial situation, have access to quality digital broadcasting.

Don't miss the chance to improve the quality of your television and enjoy more accessible programming. If you haven't yet requested your Free Digital Antenna Kit, do so now and embark on this journey towards a richer and more inclusive television experience.

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