My Home, My Life Program The Dream of Your Own Home

O My Home, My Life Program is an initiative of the Brazilian federal government created with the aim of facilitating access to housing for low and medium income families.


Since its implementation in 2009, millions of Brazilians have managed to acquire their own home, transforming lives and offering a new perspective on the future.

What is the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program?

O My Home, My Life Program was created with the intention of reducing the housing deficit in Brazil, offering easier conditions for purchasing properties.

Financed by Caixa Econômica Federal, the program is divided into different income ranges, each with specific financing conditions, interest rates and subsidies.

How does the Program Work?

The program is structured into income ranges, each serving a specific audience:

  1. Urban Lane 1: Aimed at families with a gross income of up to R$ 1,800.00. In this range, the subsidy can reach up to 90% of the value of the property, with installments that do not exceed 10% of family income.
  2. Urban Strip 1,5: For families with income between R$ 1,800.01 and R$ 2,600.00. It offers subsidies that can reach up to R$ 47,500.00, with interest of 5% per year.
  3. Urban Strip 2: Covers families with income between R$ 2,600.01 and R$ 4,000.00. The subsidy can be as high as R$ 29,000.00, and interest rates range from 5.5% to 7% per year.
  4. Urban Strip 3: Aimed at families with income between R$ 4,000.01 and R$ 8,000.00. There is no subsidy, but interest rates are more attractive compared to the market.

Who Can Participate?

To participate in the My Home, My Life Program, it is necessary to meet some basic requirements, such as:

  • Have family income within the ranges established by the program.
  • Do not have another property in your name.
  • Not having benefited from other government housing programs.
  • Have payment capacity, assessed by Caixa Econômica Federal.

How to Register for the Program?

The registration process for the My Home, My Life Program it can be done in different ways, depending on the income range:

  • Track 1: Registrations are made directly at the city hall or at bodies appointed by the local government. Families are selected according to priority criteria established by the government.
  • Tracks 1.5, 2 and 3: Registration can be done directly at a Caixa Econômica Federal branch or through the program's partner construction companies. It is necessary to present documents such as ID, CPF, proof of income and residence.

Benefits of the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program

The benefits of My Home, My Life Program They are diverse and directly impact the quality of life of the benefiting families. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Government Subsidies: Financial aid that reduces the total value of the property and, consequently, the installments.
  • Reduced Interest Rates: Lower interest rates compared to the market, making financing payment easier.
  • Ease of Payment: Installments that adapt to family income, allowing the payment to not compromise the household budget.
  • Social inclusion: Access to decent housing, improving the quality of life and promoting the social inclusion of low-income families.

How to Simulate Financing through the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program

Simulate financing through My Home, My Life Program It is a crucial step for anyone who wants to purchase a property through this benefit.

The simulation helps to better understand financing conditions, including installment amounts, terms and interest rates. Below, we present a step-by-step guide to carrying out the simulation.

Step 1: Access the Caixa Econômica Federal website

To get started, visit the official website of Caixa Econômica Federal ( Caixa is primarily responsible for administering the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program and offers an online platform for simulations.

Step 2: Locate the Financing Simulation Section

On the Caixa website, navigate to the Housing Financing Simulation. You can find this option in the main menu or in the housing area.

Step 3: Fill in the Requested Information

On the simulation page, you will need to provide some basic information:

  1. Property Type: Select whether the property is new, used or under construction.
  2. Property Value: Enter the approximate value of the property you want to finance.
  3. Gross Family Income: Enter your family’s gross monthly income. This value is essential to determine which range of the program you fall into.
  4. Property Location: Enter the state and municipality where the property is located.
  5. Financing Term: Choose the desired term for financing (in years).

Step 4: Analyze the Simulation Results

After filling in all the information, click on the button to generate the simulation. The system will display results including:

  • Value of Installments: The monthly amount you will pay for the financing.
  • Interest rate: The interest rate applied to the financing.
  • Amount Financed: The total amount that will be financed by Caixa.
  • Subsidy: If any, the amount of subsidy you will receive from the government.

Step 5: Adjust the Information, if Necessary

If the results are not satisfactory, you can adjust the simulation information, such as the value of the property or the financing term, and carry out a new simulation. This helps you find the best conditions for your financial reality.

Step 6: Do the Simulation In Person, If You Prefer

In addition to the online simulation, you can also carry out the financing simulation in person at a Caixa Econômica Federal branch. An agent can help you fill out the information and provide a detailed financing analysis.

Common questions

Who can sign up for the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program?

Families with a monthly income of up to R$ 8,000.00 can register, as long as they do not have another property in their name and have not benefited from other government housing programs.

How do I sign up for the program?

Registration can be done at the city hall (for Band 1) or at a Caixa Econômica Federal branch and partner construction companies (for the other bands).

What documents are required for registration?

ID, CPF, proof of income and residence are required, as well as other specific documents that may be requested by Caixa Econômica Federal.

How are selection priorities for Track 1 defined?

Priorities are defined according to criteria established by the government, which include families with lower income, a greater number of dependents, and people with disabilities, among others.

What are the interest rates for the program?

Interest rates vary depending on income range. In Range 1, the installments do not exceed 10% of family income. In Band 1.5, interest is 5% per year. In Band 2, they range from 5.5% to 7% per year. In Range 3, they are more attractive than in the conventional market.

Can I use FGTS to buy a property through the program?

Yes, it is possible to use the FGTS (Service Time Guarantee Fund) balance to purchase the property, according to the rules established by the program.


O My Home, My Life Program It is a fundamental initiative for promoting social inclusion and reducing the housing deficit in Brazil.

Offering easier conditions for purchasing properties, the program has transformed the lives of millions of Brazilians, providing access to decent housing and improving the quality of life of benefiting families.

If you meet the eligibility criteria, don't miss the opportunity to realize your dream of owning your own home. Look for a Caixa Econômica Federal branch or your city hall and find out how to participate in the My Home, My Life Program.

This could be the first step towards a new life, with more security, stability and comfort for you and your family.

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